Products & Services

EMC Solution Services

EMC management support (consulting)

Problems vary depending on EMC environment or equipment etc.

Our engineers in the EMC center carry out noise measurements on your products, and propose methods for decreasing the noise and how to optimize the components. 

EMC Management support

Using our anechoic chambers, we measure and research your devices and propose various noise control methods and suitable EMC components to reach the targeted level. 

Noise visualization of customers’ products using visualization tools

Noise radiation sources are visually identified by coloring electromagnetic waves according to the strength.

Noise visualization of customers’ products using visualization tools

Confirmation of path and mode of noise current using a current probe

Using a current probe, our engineers analyze in what kind of mode the noise flows through the cable and propose the optimum countermeasure method.

Confirmation of path and mode of noise current using a current probe

Our iNARTE Engineers give optimal proposals based on their experience and knowledge.

iNARTE engineers working in the EMC center (seven engineers in 2020) carry out EMC certification tests and also support you on EMC problems.

On-site EMC Management support

Our iNARTE engineers visit your labs, factories or offices and help you with noise management.

On-site EMC Management support

Web EMC Management consulting services

Through the Internet, you (in conference rooms, offices, measurement rooms etc.) can communicate with our engineers in the EMC center and receive our consulting services. We are prompt in serving you for noise management and the services are available both in Japan and over seas. 

Service structure

Joint R&D

If you are trying to find solutions to fundamental noise problems by managing each partial problem, KGS will help you using our expertize knowledge. Based on our analyses and simulations on noise sources, we can propose suitable solutions and/or carry out basic R&D for a new component form and new characteristics as an outsourced laboratory.
Please contact us for details regarding research theme, budget and progress reports.

Joint R&D

Inquiry form for EMC solution services

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Please also note that our representatives may contact you for customer support.


EMC technical support services

Solution1 EMC technical seminars

On-site lectures on EMC basics, technical trends, and management are available. Latest EMC standard information and demonstration how to lower noise are included. At your site, we will disassemble real products and propose a solution. Traveling exhibitions of our components are also available. 

Solution2 EMC management support (consulting)

We can support you with on-site EMC management, noise measurement using a 3D visualization device, on-demand testing/measurement and joint R&D. 

Solution3 EMC testing

Measurement system covers up to 40GHz
Various testing is available for characteristic evaluation of shielding materials, certification acquisition, noise level confirmation, noise management etc.