EMC components (Noise suppression)

EMI absorbers (Noise suppression)

EMI absorbers (Noise suppression)


For noise suppression


Soft ferrite mixed resin suppresses EM wave noise.
Various thickness variations from 0.4 to 4.0mm
Flexibility provides easy handling and applications.

  • EMI absorption
  • Noise suppression
  • Magnetic sheet



EMI吸収シート MAB

Different part number may have different characteristics. Please refer to the catalog for details.

EMC solution Service

Part No. list

You can download a drawing and a test report,
add an sample to Sample Request Box per part number.

Part No. Thickness(mm) Flame retardance Download Data Sample Request
MAB-03-0.4 - -
MAB-03-1.0 - -
MAB-03-2.0 - -
MAB-03-4.0 - -

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EMC Design based on well-trained measurement skill and suggestion of selection guide of effective electro magnetic wave absorption (noise suppression) sheet is available.

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